Bettina Sewell

When my son Jaden turned 2 1/5 I was looking around for a new activity. We had previously joined several programs but I was looking for something that would combine fun, play and also learning basic skills in various ball games. I joined Sporteka and found that it is a really great program for young children in which they can develop an interest in sports while playing and having a lot of fun at the same time.

You find that Sporteka has a great variety of equipment as well as ample outdoor and indoor space that allows the children to try out a variety of ball games such as soccer, basketball and tennis. They learn the basic skills required for these sports while at the same time they build up their confidence when showing, what they have learned in a section called “Show and Tell”.

The classes take place in a very friendly atmosphere in which the parents or grandparents and instructor help, participate and encourage the children. Compared to other programs I found Sporteka to be extremely well organised and to have a keenly motivated instructor ,who has developed a great structure which includes warming up to popular songs like “The Wiggles”, and a reward system in form of a personal best achievement book.

Jaden for example developed a great interest in soccer and also loves to compete in the obstacle races with the other children. It is a good way to find out where your child’s interest lies. It is also a very affordable alternative compared to similar programs and gives you great ideas for games and playtime at home, which does not require much equipment. You will find Sporteka to be a very fun and rewarding program for you and your child. Jaden can’t wait to go every week!

Bettina Sewell