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For updates follow us on:
- Instagram: Sporteka_kids
- Facebook: Sporteka@sportekakids
We are now accepting Term 1, 2020 Enrolment for the Multisport and ANZ Tennis Hot Shots programs.
Saturday February 1st – Thursday March 26th December
No Classes Public Holiday – Monday March 9th

Top quality Sporteka branded Tennis racquets for sale..
Check out our sporteka sports shop for more gift ideas including personalised sportswear for your sporty child and order now
For Bank account details or further information please contact: Fatima on 0431 211 444 or Email
Sporteka Sports Shop
Parents often ask us if they can purchase equipment used in class. To help you out and encourage children to practice skills learnt at Sporteka, we are currently adding more products to our online sports. We will continue to source best quality equipment at affordable prices that we think would enhance your child's skills practice at home and also make great gifts for that special occasion like a birthdays and Christmas. Let us know what you think and what else you wish to include in your sports shop.
Sporteka is now on Facebook!
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As one of the aims of Sporteka is to connect local children, families and communities with each other and with healthy social environments, we have created a Sporteka page for you. Through Sporteka’s Facebook page we hope to share information about sporting activities/events around Melbourne that may suit mums or dads with young children like you and encourage you to do the same. You are welcome to post any photos or comments of your Sporteka experiences or ask us any sports related questions including sporting pathways for your child during and beyond Sporteka and we’ll be happy to respond.
Kinder, Playgroup and ELC Sporteka
Sporteka conducts sports programs at kinders, playgroups and Early Learning Centres. Children at Templestowe Valley pre school has recently experienced a very successful 8 week program covering hockey, soccer, golf and basketball. Teachers, children and families welcomed the opportunity to experience a variety of sports in a familiar environment. We can work with you to organise a Sporteka program that suits your . needs and budget. You choose the time, months, number of weeks and we tailor a program to your needs. All equipment supplied.