I have had my son in Sporteka classes for two terms now and we joined for two reasons. One was because Charles is a very active child and the second was for a regular period of contact between Grandfather and Grandchild without Mum. This is working wonderfully and is helping Charlie to become more independent and learn that he does not need Mum around to have fun.
Charlie loves the positive and friendly atmosphere of Sporteka. He seems to be growing both physically and mentally in an environment which keeps him stimulated and busy. The personal best achievement awards which Charlie receives in his own book are quite a highlight. Every visitor to our house is shown his collection of achievements and awards. It is also a useful tool at home to review class activities and practice new skills which he can present in the class show and tell.
The facilities provide variety for the children, some activities being run indoors and others outdoors. The equipment provided is of fantastic quality and variety and of a standard that Charles can use to its full potential. Fatima has a lovely caring approach to the children and some of her key phrases have become a staple in my Sons vocabulary. For example, “Lets do it”, “Time for exercise” and “Ready set go”.
With the increasing problem of obesity and juvenile diabetes in our community my Husband and I hope to show our children that exercise is fun and sociable. Fatima’s Sporteka classes have proven to be a positive influence on Charlies’ love of sport and exercise. In Charlies’ own words, “Right Mum, its time for exercise!”