Joint pain and discomfort are unpleasant to say the least. If left untreated, it could possibly develop into arthritis that could be extremely debilitating. Failing to properly care for your joints and maintain them jeopardizes them for a lifetime. So what kind of actions cause their deterioration? It all starts with muscular imbalances that stem […]
Stretch away the joint pains
Muscle soreness and working out
Doubling as a badge of honor, soreness is physical proof that you really pushed yourself and got out of bed for a workout. It might be normal for newbies to experience soreness after their first trip to the gym but for veterans that swear by the “no pain, no gain” mindset might want to reconsider. […]
How to avoid joint injuries during exercise
Exercise provides various health benefits, including improved cardiovascular fitness, weight loss, blood pressure control, and so much more. However, working out too hard or for too long can put a lot of stress on your joints, thereby increasing the risk of joint injuries. The causes of common joint injuries include repeated impact, overuse of joints, […]